Advanced Binary Options Trading Strategy With Nadex Call Spreads
Advanced Binary Options Trading Strategy With Nadex Call Spreads. In this article, we’ll take it to the next level, so let’s get started…. Nadex Call Spreads. For this advance binary options trading strategy we will use Nadex Call Spreads. The main difference between "regular" Binary Options and Nadex Call Spreads is this: When trading Binary Options, you are simply choosing whether a market is trading above or below a certain level. In order to trade this Binary Option, you pay between $0 and $100. In this example, let’s say you’re paying $40. If you are right, you’re getting $100 back, i.e. you made $100 – $40 = $60 . If you are wrong, you get $0 back, i.e. you lost $40 . When trading Nadex Call Spreads, there are a few more elements to this: You don’t only have ONE strike price – you know have TWO, and they are called a FLOOR and a CEILING . When trading call spreads that expire daily, the max payout is $400 instead of $100. And it’s not an "all or nothing:" As...